Strategic Integrated Services
Ensures that the confluences of the internal and external environmental factors affecting an organization are optimized to achieve the organization’s vision, mission, and values, and strategic intent.
Some of the technologies and models used are:
Baldrige Criteria (
Change Model (initial created at University of Michigan and adapted to include another process of personal change)
Inquiry: (
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
Productivity Model: (initially designed around 1989 with Harry Sugar and Victoria Humphreys and further developed with Cathi Balboa and then further developed over time)
RACIS (initial created by Cap Gemini and adapted to include Support. An important tool for Process Engineering
Strategic Planning Models for Business and Education designed and used since 2001)
Team Spirit Model with phases of Initiating, Visioning, Claiming, Celebrating, Letting Go, and Serving

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Strategic Integrated Services – Ensures that the confluences of the internal and external environmental factors affecting the organization are optimized to achieve the organization’s vision.
Workshops & Seminars:
Dr. Waldmann-Williams is certified to deliver executive presentation training, Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Process Engineering principles and techniques, and is a senior consultant for the Plexus Team Spirit program.
Business and Education Collaborations – Investigate potential opportunities for optimizing the integration of both sectors for achievement of mutual goals.